Perpetua is an advertising optimization tool for Amazon campaigns based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

And not just any software, but the first one I see that supports

  • Amazon Seller: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, DSP and Display
  • Amazon Vendor: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, DSP and Display
  • Amazon Attribution
  • Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing Advertising
  • Google Ads
  • Best Buy Ads
  • BJ's Ads
  • Costco Ads
  • CVS Ads
  • FreshDirect Ads
  • Instacart Ads
  • Lowe's Ads
  • Macy's Ads
  • Meijer Ads
  • Sams Club Ads
  • Shipt Ads
  • Staples Ads
  • Target Ads
  • ULTA Ads
  • Walgreens Ads
  • Walmart Ads

For every country!

And, on top of that, it is not just rules-based.

Of all the tools specifically designed for Amazon, it is likely that the ones that have the most immediate impact on our performance are those designed to improve the effectiveness of campaigns.

I insist on the importance of human resources in addition to money. Managing campaigns requires a lot, a lot of time: researching keywords, deciding on matches, creating creatives, establishing a good bidding strategy… and if that wasn't enough, this is a job that never stops if we really want to be always optimized.

We tell you all this because solves, in a single tool, both circumstances. It manages to make the ROAS of your actions soar while multiplying your productivity and that of your team.

To do this, it uses the latest technology in Artificial Intelligence creating an automation that is exactly that: intelligent.
Plus, you have a managed service for Amazon DSP and a whole certified advertising agencies marketplace to outsource your campaigns management.

Perpetua features

This is a really advanced software, that is obvious, but despite the amount of features it has and how sophisticated they are, it stands out for being really easy to use.

If it failed in this aspect or had a too vertical learning curve, it would not reach the productivity levels it does.

But let's not get sidetracked and go back to the features to analyze them in detail.

perpetua sponsored products dashboard

Ideal for all types of advertisers

Let's say that they have taken care to offer different solutions to each of the main types of Amazon advertisers. fits perfectly to what brands, agencies (with white label solutions to be able to serve more customers in a personalized and fast way) and sellers who see how they have to spend less time to get better results need.

As I mentioned at the beginning, it is compatible with the advertising campaigns of:

  • Seller
  • Vendor
  • KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing)
  • Other marketplaces
  • Google Ads

You know that, little by little, Amazon is introducing more advanced and more complete formats. The good thing is that this is something you should not worry about if you use this tool; it is prepared to get the most out of the main formats:

  • Sponsored products
  • Sponsored brands
  • Sponsored display
  • Video ads (that you can create yourself from Perpetua, at a cost of $10 per video ad)
  • DSP (programmatic buying)

And all powered and optimized by Perpetua's intelligent system that automatically manages our presence and optimizes from bidding to ad creation.

Advanced analytics

The reports we get thanks to this tool are light years ahead of those generated by Amazon's own platform.

We are talking about a reporting system that gives you a panoramic view of your objectives, perfect for identifying insights and, in general, to evaluate the performance of ongoing campaigns with total precision.

Sponsored Products Analytics

For Sponsored Products, you can get the following metrics per Goal, Campaign, Ad group, Keyword, Target ASIN or SKU:

  • Total Sales
  • Blended ACoS
  • Attributed Sales
  • Spend
  • ACoS
  • Target ACoS
  • Cost per Click
  • Average Order Value
  • Conversion Rate
  • Click-Through Rate
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Conversions

Sponsored Brands Analytics

perpetua sponsored brands video

For Sponsored Brands, you can get the following metrics per Goal, Campaign, Ad group, Keyword, Target ASIN or SKU:

  • Attributed Sales
  • Spend
  • ACoS
  • Clicks
  • Impressions
  • Conversions
  • Click-Through Rate
  • Cost per Click
  • Conversion Rate
  • New-to-brand Orders
  • New-to-brand Total Orders
  • % of Orders New-to-brand
  • New-to-brand Sales
  • New-to-brand Total Sales
  • % of Sales New-to-brand
  • Target ACoS
  • Budget

Sponsored Display Analytics

perpetua sponsored display dashboard

For Sponsored Display, you can get the following metrics per Goal, Campaign, Ad group, Keyword, Target ASIN or SKU:

  • Attributed Sales
  • Spend
  • ACoS
  • Clicks
  • Click-Through Rate
  • Conversion Rate
  • Conversions
  • Cost per Click
  • Impressions
  • ROAS
  • Budget Utilization

Intelligence Analytics

An absolutelly mind blowing dashboard divided in 4 subsections and LOTS of data:

  • Brand Metrics
  • Sales
  • Targets & Search
  • Experiments

Intelligence Analytics – Brand Metrics

Find metrics per Brand, time frame and Category / Subcategory such as:

  • Customer Conversion Rate
  • Customer Conversion Rate (CM)
  • Customer Conversion Rate (CTP)
  • New To Brand Customer Rate
  • New To Brand Customer Rate (CM)
  • New To Brand Customer Rate (CTP)
  • Branded Searches
  • Branded Searches (CM)
  • Branded Searches (CTP)
  • Viewed Detail Pages
  • Viewed Detail Pages (CM)
  • Viewed Detail Pages (CTP)
  • View Detail Pages ROE
  • View Detail Pages ROE (CM)
  • View Detail Pages ROE (CTP)
  • Branded Searches and Detail Page Views
  • Branded Searches and Detail Page Views (CM)
  • Branded Searches and Detail Page Views (CTP)
  • Branded Searches and Detail Page Views ROE
  • Branded Searches and Detail Page Views ROE (CM)
  • Branded Searches and Detail Page Views ROE (CTP)
  • Add to Carts
  • Add to Carts (CM)
  • Add to Carts (CTP)
  • Add to Carts ROE
  • Add to Carts ROE (CM)
  • Add to Carts ROE (CTP)
  • Brand Customers
  • Brand Customers (CM)
  • Brand Customers (CTP)
  • Brand Customers ROE
  • Brand Customers ROE (CM)
  • Brand Customers ROE (CTP)
  • High Value Customers
  • High Value Customers (CM)
  • High Value Customers (CTP)
  • High Value Customers ROE
  • High Value Customers ROE (CM)
  • High Value Customers ROE(CTP)
  • Awareness Index
  • Consideration Index
  • Sales Index

perpetua brand metrics

Intelligence Analytics – Sales

Revenue data for organic + advertising resources aka TACoS: Total Advertising Cost of Sale or Blended ACoS:

  • Total Sales
  • Organic Sales
  • Blended ACoS
  • Total Attributed Sales
  • Total Attributed Spend
  • Total Attributed ACoS
  • Sponsored Spend
  • Sponsored Sales
  • Sponsored ACoS
  • DSP Spend
  • DSP Sales
  • DSP ACoS

perpetua sales dashboard

Intelligence Analytics – Targets & Search Terms

Data for targeted keywords, target ASINs and Amazon's Search Terms report:

  • Attributed Sales
  • Spend
  • ACoS
  • Click-Through Rate
  • Cost per Click
  • Average Order Value
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Conversions
  • Conversion Rate

Intelligence Analytics – Experiments

Yes, you can create experiments on Bid Adjustments and Keyword Boosting. The data on the experiments section is:

  • Attributed Sales
  • Spend
  • ACoS
  • Bid
  • Cost per Click
  • Conversion Rate
  • Average Order Value
  • Click-Through Rate
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Conversions
  • Start Date
  • End Date

Amazon PPC Strategies

There are 3 types of Amazon PPC strategies you can set up for your campaigns which you can apply to every campaign, selected campaign and goals.

perpetua strategies

Always-On Budget Optimization

Increase budgets for goals going dark with ACoS below target ACoS.

Blended ACoS Optimization

Optimize spend across Sponsored Products toward a target blended ACoS for products in selected goals.

Scheduled Budget & ACoS Changes

Schedule future changes to goal budgets & target ACoS. Changes are based on the budget and target ACoS when the strategy is created. Scheduled changes for SB and SD goals are currently not supported.

Amazon PPC Goals

Again, 3 different types of Amazon PPC goals you can set up for: Keywords & Product Targeting, Campaign type (Keyword, Auto, Product Targeting), Search Term Isolation and Daytime.

Universal Targeting

Target all available customers using a single daily budget and ACoS target.

Brand-based Targeting

Split ACoS and budget targets based on the inclusion or exclusion of branded keywords.

Advanced Targeting

Set unique ACoS and budget targets for brand, category, and competitor segments.

Recommendations based on strategies and goals

If you have some strategies + rules / goals for your campaigns, Perpetua will show you recommendations to improve / optimize them. It's a kind of PPC audit included on the tool.

Yes, thank god! Every account managed under the same parent account. No need to set up separated accounts for every client. Really useful in an agency level.

Algorithm-based bidding

Based on the objectives you define,'s system, supported by its own algorithm, decides exactly how much to bid and for which word (even for which match). This boosts the chances of conversion.

Campaign automation

There are certain best practices on Amazon that are more than proven. These are the ones that, although not officially, the platform itself uses to establish the quality of a creative or campaign.

Using these concepts, the tool is able to define and create multiple optimized campaigns within the same day with the changes and adjustments that the Artificial Intelligence considers necessary.

Automatic keyword research

You're sick of doing keyword research too, aren't you? It is by far the most tedious and boring job in the day to day life of any seller or agency working with Amazon.

Surely more than once you've thought, isn't there an easier way to do this? If that's your case, Perpertua is the answer and the solution to your headaches because it does it automatically, without you having to intervene.

Group ASINs by parent

Unify your child ASINs or create ASIN groups per category.

Change log

Wondering when was a change on any rule applied? you can check the full historical change log for the account


Advanced segmentation system

This software has a system that allows you to audit your segments to better identify where every penny is being invested and logically see which of them are potentially more profitable.

Well-designed mobile applications

Both for IOS and Android it has apps that work great; fluid, powerful and fast. The idea is that you can work anytime and anywhere without necessarily having to be at the computer.

Perpetua pricing

Perpetua has 4 different pricing tiers + a custom tier for agencies

Starter plan – $250 / month


  • Up to $5,000 in monthly ad spend
  • Single marketplace access
  • Onboarding call
  • Access to Perpetua Support Team
  • Access to Perpetua slack community

Growth plan – $500 / month


  • Up to $10,000 in monthly ad spend
  • Access to 2 marketplaces
  • Onboarding call
  • Access to Perpetua Support Team
  • Access to Perpetua slack community
  • Dedicated eCommerce Associate

Pro plan – $500/month + % of ad spend


  • Up to $200,000 in monthly ad spend
  • Unlimited marketplace access (Minimum fee of $250 per activated marketplace)
  • Onboarding call
  • Access to Perpetua Support Team
  • Access to Perpetua slack community
  • Dedicated eCommerce Associate
  • Dedicated Data Strategist
  • 3 & 6-week checkpoint call
  • Customized launch strategy & onboarding plan
  • Quarterly business review

Enterprise plan – Custom pricing


  • Over $200,000 in monthly ad spend
  • Unlimited marketplace access
  • Onboarding call
  • Access to Perpetua Support Team
  • Access to Perpetua slack community
  • Dedicated eCommerce Associate
  • Dedicated Data Strategist
  • 3 & 6-week checkpoint call
  • Customized launch strategy & onboarding plan
  • Quarterly business review
  • Dedicated Strategic Partner Manager
  • White-glove account set-up
  • Early access to Perpetua Betas (including DSP self serve)
  • Amazon Marketing Cloud integration
  • Datalake integration
  • Custom dashboard production Reviews

As I mentioned at the beginning of the review, this Amazon Ads tool is nothing like what I've seen in other similar tools. Not only does it work on Seller, Vendor and KDP, but its UX and design are super easy to use and super intuitive. You find things right away and that's something that other similar tools don't have.

Plus, you can integrate Amazon Attribution, Amazon Brand Metrics, Google Ads, Best Buy Ads, BJ's Ads, Costco Ads, CVS Ads, FreshDirect Ads, Instacart Ads, Lowe's Ads, Macy's Ads, Meijer Ads, Sams Club Ads, Shipt Ads, Staples Ads, Target Ads, ULTA Ads, Walgreens Ads, Walmart Ads and manage them under the same roof and user.

You can tell it's a customer-centric tool. Other similar tools have such unfriendly designs that you don't find half of the things. And what about Perpetua's Smartphone app? That's a game changer which you won't find in another tools.

Applying Artificial Intelligence to our business is becoming more and more interesting. In the case of doing it directly on PPC campaigns, what we are getting is to be more profitable and more efficient (which somehow also translates into profitability). To be honest, it's impossible to scale an Amazon Ad Account without aplying automations, especially if you run lost of campaigns in different countries. automates all our campaigns based on the knowledge acquired by the system, and even helps us to create more efficient ads (don't miss the Ads video editor because it's amazing).

If you use the Growth, Pro or Enterprise plans, they will help you with almost everything: Dedicated eCommerce Associate, Dedicated Data Strategist, Checkpoint calls, Slack Community, Customized launch strategy & onboarding plan, Quartely reviews, Dedicated Strategic Partner Manager… so, from A to Z, you'll get help coming from experts in every step of the way.

In a data / metrics level, you can see that Perpetua is a complete different story. Almost 80 different metrics: customizable, downloadable… you even got a 2 days prediction graph on what's coming next to your campaigns. Insane!

Betting on this tool, as we said at the beginning, means improving profitability from the first minute. This makes it highly recommended to hire it for those who are publishing on Amazon Ads, regardless of whether they are brands, agencies or sellers and the level of investment they manage monthly.

Our score

  • Number of features
  • Pricing
  • Learning curve
  • User friendly
Comments Rating 0 (0 reviews)

Alternatives to Perpetua

Here you can find the top Perpetuas alternatives

About the author

Avatar of Jordi Ordonez
Jordi Ordonez
Amazon and ecommerce Consultant at JordiobDotCom | Website

I work as an independent eCommerce and Amazon consultant.

Estrella Damm, Intersport, Bella Aurora, Lladró, Textura Interiors, Nice Things Palomas, Castañer, Due-Home and many other clients.

Lecturer & Teacher
I teach and have been a speaker at: Meet Magento, Prestashop, Prestashop Day, SEMRush, Cambra de Comerç Barcelona, ​​ClinicSEO, Ecommbeers, Ecommbrunch,, Ecommfest, EOI, ESIC-ICEMD, Foxize, Generalitat de Catalunya, Inesdi, Quondos and The Valley. In addition, I have done in-company trainings for brands such as Orange and Adidas.

I collaborate writing articles for Helium 10 blog, Shopify, SEMRush, La Vanguardia,, Marketing4ecommerce...

Helium 10, Jungle Scout, Avask, Sellzone, Helium 10 Seller Solutions Hub Partner, SaaS4Marketing, and

LinkedIn, Twitter, Wikipedia, Youtube, Quora, ISNI 0000000513224289, About Jordi Ordonez

Disclaimer: This is a promoted post by the advertiser / we are affiliated with the software

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User Review
  • Number of features
  • Pricing
  • Learning curve
  • User friendly