Helium 10

Helium 10 is an all in one Amazon toolbox featuring a set of +20 tools specially focused on keyword research, product research and competition tracking

Helium 10 in less than 5 minutes

👉 Visit Helium 10

What is Helium 10?

Helium 10 has been developed by Amazon Sellers, that's why it is the best suite of tools used both for agencies and Amazon FBA experts. The project is leaded by Manny Coats, serial entrepreneur, and online marketing coach since the late 1990s. He also hosts host AM/PM Podcast and co-founded Freedom Ticket, an exclusive mastermind group for high-level Amazon sellers

Besides that, they keep adding new features every year without an extra cost!

Works for

  • Amazon Marketplace Sellers using their own logistics (FBM: Fulfillment By Merchant)
  • Amazon Marketplace Sellers using Amazon's logistics (FBA: Fulfillment By Amazon)
  • Private Label sellers
  • Walmart US Sellers

But it won't work for Amazon Retail (Vendor selling)

Helium 10 feature list

+20 tools in 1 to use on your Amazon Seller Account, featuring

Amazon Product Research tools

  • Free Chrome Extension to validate your products using XRay and other tools
  • Black Box: product resarch by keywords, categories, niches, ASIN… (works for Walmart)
  • Trendster: find trendy products performing great
  • Profit caculator: calculate product’s profit metrics for FBA and FBM products accross the globe (works for Walmart)

Amazon keyword research tools

  • Cerebro: reverse ASIN for Amazon and Walmart
  • Magnet: amazon keyword research tools to find volume, seasonality and competitors for Amazon and Walmart
  • Misspellinator: to find misspellings on your keywords

Amazon Listing Optimization tools

  • Frankenstein: an Amazon Keyword Processor and multiplier to get new keywords for your listings
  • Scribbles: your secret sauce to optimize your listings and directly import them into Seller Central
  • Index Checker: check if your products are indexed on Amazon's A9 for certain keywords
  • Listing Analyzer: get Amazon listing insights directly from your competitors
  • Listing Builder: build your listings from scratch or optimize old listings, including AI
  • Audience: Amazon AB test spliting audiences

Amazon Operations

  • Inventory Management: manage and forecast your inventories on FBA
  • Refund Genie: a reimbursement assistant to get your money back from FBA damaged / lost products
  • Managed Refund Service: combined with Refund Genie, find more FBA reimbursements
  • Alerts: ASIN and product Monitoring with real time alerts via push notification, SMS or email
  • Inventory Protector: coupon abuse prevention, never run out of stock when launching a promo
  • Follow-Up: an email automation tool to maximize your reviews
  • Mobile App: Helium 10's app to check your data at anytime
  • Seller Assistant: a Chrome Extension to mass send review requests directly from Seller Central

Amazon Analytics

  • Insights dashboard: your go-to dashboard to find the main aggregated metrics and per SKU (works for Walmart)
  • Profits: analytics dashboards and financials for Amazon and Walmart. Find every hidden charge on general or SKU level
  • Market Tracker: track new competitors and discover new opportunities on your niche
  • Market Tracker 360: an improved marked tracker including deep data to analyze your niche
  • Keyword Tracker: track your organic rankings per ASIN for Amazon and Walmart

Amazon Marketing Tools

  • Adtomic: honestly, the best Amazon Advertising Platform to set up, optimize and automate your campaigns
  • Portals: create landing pages on the go directly from your ASINs

Amazon Finance Service

  • Alta: helium 10's Financial Solutions for Amazon Sellers, get more cashflow

Amazon Free Tools for sellers

  • Cerebro gives you 2 queries for free each day
  • PPC Audit: get a free Amazon Advertising audit for free using Adtomic
  • Chrome Extension: get data for free such as product sales, trends, Amazon FBA Calculator, inventory / stock historics…
  • URL Builder: build promotional and Super URLs from scratch
  • QR Code Generator: target your market by using the free QR code tool

Helium 10 features breakdown

Let's break down every feature


Well, I must say this is my favourite one. Spy on your competition by getting loots of keyword ideas using reverse ASIN

Cerebro will give you data on search volume, number of competitors and competing products, information about the keywords using on PPC campaigns and their Cerebro IQ Score

Cerebro is used to do a reverse search from the ASIN. You just have to enter this internal Amazon code and it will search all the keywords within the ASIN and, as if that were not enough, the parameters such as the number of organic competitors, the ones that do PPC and the Cerebro IQ Score, which is a score based on an own algorithm to help you determine which are the most interesting keywords by search volume and competitors

Cerebro for Walmart US

Cerebro is now working also for Walmart US, just check the Walmart's Product ID, introduce it on the tool and get the keywords that product is ranking for

Black Box

A powerful set of product research tools to find the most profitable products based on your criteria (not just keywords, categories or ASINs). Find your next private lable product winner in just a few clicks

Black Box can help you search using

  • Products (by categories or keywords)
  • Keywords 
  • ABA Top Search Terms, including top search queries coming from the Amazon Brand Analytics data
  • Competitors (by ASIN)
  • Niche (by keyword or category)
  • Product targeting (by ASIN) reveals products usually bought togerther
  • Elite Analytics: upload up to 2000 rows of Black Box Keywords, Amazon Brand Analytics Report or your own list keywords

helium 10 black box


A powerful data analytics tool that will give you information on a product seasonality and trends to decide wether it's a product with steady demand or not. Works for Amazon, Walmart and Google Trends.


The Amazon product research tool turned into Chrome Extension. A great alternative to Jungle Scout that shows, directly on Amazon's catalogue information such as

  • Inventory Levels
  • Total and average revenue
  • Best Sellers Rank
  • Who's owning the Buy Box
  • Product's Fulfillment
  • Rating
  • Number of reviews
  • Direct access to the product keywords via Cerebro
  • Direct access to the product listing optimization via Scribbles
  • Profitabilty calculator
  • Includes also a link to find the product on Alibaba in just 1 click

helium 10 xray

Follow Up

The Helium 10 Follow-Up tool. Automatize customer email and feedback requests to help you on

  • Branding
  • Getting reviews
  • Improving seller feedback ratings
  • Reducing negative reviews
  • Providing extra value to your customers

Long story short: this feature will help you get more reviews, which will lead you to more sales velocity and better organic rankings on Amazon


Adtomic is the latest tool launched by Helium10, only available to their Platinum plan customers. It is an AI-based Amazon PPC platform, carefully designed to help you scale your business on Amazon quickly. Find a detailed review on the Adtomic here

Adtomic is defined as an easy-to-use and easy-to-understand PPC platform that makes two powerful elements available to Platinum customers: Dashboard and Analytics. With the first one, you will access the data; with the second one, you will give them meaning that will empower your business.

And it is remarkable how easy it is to use, we must admit it

On the Adtomic dashboard, you will be able to see your PPC investment, your PPC conversion, your ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sales), your total sales and your total ACoS –all unified in the same place so that you can check it out in the easiest possible way

Thanks to this, you can quickly see if your campaigns are making sales or losing money, and you can also identify high ACoS by campaign and keyword. To top it all off, you can review sales data going back up to 2 years.

With Analytics, you will be able to make sense of all this data: your investment per ad, your impressions, your clicks, your ROAS… You will also be able to know what keywords buyers use to find you and thus focus on them and what keywords are making you lose money, and how to spot trends that may affect your overall sales.

Hijacking Alerts

Products listings are monitored 24/7 for fraud & other unintended changes and you'll be notified in real time if they do using

  • Push notifications via Helium 10 mobile app
  • SMS
  • Email

You won't find another tool covering so much real time alerts

Asin Marked as Adult

New negative seller feedback

Buy Box lost

New neutral seller feedback

Buy Box won

New positive seller feedback

Category changed

Number of sellers changed

Dimensions changed

Price changed

Listing suppressed

Receive alerts if 'Amazon Warehouse Deals' won the Buy Box

Main image changed

Receive alerts if 'Amazon' won the Buy Box

New 1-3 star product review

Reorder status changed

New 4 star product review

Title changed

New 5 star product review

Transfer status changed


Magnet is Helium 10's keyword research tool. I'd say: “the definitive keyword tool” as I can assure you won't need another one. It works for Amazon and Walmart.

Not only will let you find profitable keywords and search phrases used by users, but analyse wether those keys are on your rankings or not

It all starts with a “seed keyword” and the tool does the rest for you, showing variations and related keywords plus metrics such as monthly volume, competing products, sponsored ASINs and more.

helium 10 magnet

Magnet for Walmart US

Magnet is now working also for Walmart US, so you can introduce up to 200 keywords and get volume and competition estimations for them


A misspelling search tool to maximize your keywords

The Misspellinator will show you misspellings for your main keywords, so you can include them on your front and back-end keywords and get some precious (and low competition) traffic for those keys


A keyword tool processor to help you obtain monthly search data and profitable lists

Frankestein can quickly process thousands of keywords in bulk and show you the search volume data, competition, popularity… Then you will convert this keywords into texts for your listings or back-end keywords

Basically what Frankestein allows you is to process the keywords that you already have

  • eliminate duplicates
  • eliminate words from keyphrases that do not interest you
    • for example commercial brands
    • features that your product does not have
  • replace texts

Long story short: it can save you a lot of time and you will see how do you pass thousands of words to a few hundred that are the ones that really interest you?


Helium 10's listing optimization tool pulling and importing data directly from your Seller Central Account

Introduce a list of keywords, process the listing and Scribbles will help you optimize

According to the keywords on the list. But not just that, Scribbles will also help you check if you are using the most profitable keywords on your product name, description and bullet points. The tool will make your listing optimization easier, being able to write you product name, description and bullets on the tool and check if they are lenght and keyword relevance compilant

So, once you're satisfied with the result of the keyword process, it's time to optimize your listings. Scribbles is available from Frankestein, but you can also import your active listings

What you get is that you do not miss any of the important words. These appear in a column on the left side of the screen, as you fill in the fields on the right (title, bullet points, description …) you are suggesting keywords. When you use it, it is crossed out in the sidebar while it shows you in a superscript how many times you have used it in any of the sections

My favourite feature is that, once you're done, you can directly import the listing to your Seller Central with just one click

helium 10 scribbels


A complete system to build landing pages, email opt-in pages and thank you pages

Portals will help you, through a visual editor, to build up those marketing campaigns and link them to your Facebook Pixels, Analytics Pixels, Custom tracking codes, create deep links..

The result will be a URL which you can customize

  • Custom URL
  • SuperURL: 2 step URL using an ASIN and a Brand
  • SuperURL: 2 step URL using an ASIN and a keyword
  • SuperURL: 2 step URL using ASINs
  • SuperURL: A Canonical Amazon URL
  • SuperURL: an Amazon Add to cart URL
  • SuperURL: a targeted ASIN search URL
  • SuperURL: an Amazon buy together URL
  • SuperURL: Walmart 2 step URL using an ASIN and a Brand
  • QR codes
  • Barcode labels
  • Custom domains (to host and brand your landing pages)

You also will be able to

  • Schedule the campaign
  • Enable email collecting
  • Enable coupons
  • Use premade templates
  • View the results using a complete analytics dashboard
  • Track your clients acquired outside Amazon and see how they're performing on Amazon

Mobile App

Get your critical data on your hand. The Mobile app will show you data coming from the tools

  • profits (analytics)
  • push notifications on every new order
  • give you product and keyword ideas on the go

Mobile app real time alerts

Every critical aspect on your ASIN monitoring is sent to your Mobile phone as a real time push notification, covering when

  • Buy Box is lost
  • Buy Box is won
  • Number of sellers changed
  • Main image changed
  • Price changed
  • Dimensions changed
  • Title changed
  • Category changed
  • New 5 star product review
  • New 4 star product review
  • New 1-3 star product review
  • Listing suppressed
  • Asin Marked as Adult
  • New negative seller feedback
  • New neutral seller feedback
  • New positive seller feedback
  • Reorder status changed
  • Transfer status changed

Market Tracker

A tracker to see how you're performing on a market against your competitors, so you can extract business intelligence data

The market tracker will show you critical data such as

  • market volume for your products / keywords
  • your market share against other ASINs
  • where you could improve your results (reviews, rating, price, sales…)

And you can create your custom market. The market tracker is alive, so it will add new competitor products and opportunities for your niche every week

Market Tracker 360

An even more updated version and advanced data tool for market tracking. Performance on brand, categories, products, revenue, units,  pricing and more.

helium 10 market tracker 360

Index Checker

A keyword indexation tool for you front and back-end keywords. Checks if the ASIN is indexed for keywords in 3 different types using Amazon's search bar

  1. ASIN keyword
  2. Field-ASIN
  3. Storefront indexation

Refund Genie

A reinbursement tool which finds lost or damaged inventory to send emails to the FBA guys and get your reinbursement money back easily

What you will get is a zip file containing a data folder which contains the file/s pertaining to your potentially reimbursable inventory. Each file will contain a single SKU you can send to Amazon to get your money back

Managed Refund Service

An evolution of Refund Genie, this is a managed service for FBA reimbursements: get your free audit and claim your money using Helium 10's manual services.

Inventory Protector

Prevents inventory hijacking setting quantity limits to every product in your catalogue so no one is buying a huge quantity of your products and breaking your stocks

Marketplace sellers and Private label sellers often launch promotions and coupon codes and they're often blackhated by their competitors placing high quantity orders with the goal of wiping out their inventory

You can set limits on quantities purchased on certain items on Amazon,so you can prevent inventory black hat tactics. With the inventory protector tool you can set those limits easily. Of course, you can set those limits also on Seller Central, but it is a tedious task that can be made faster using Helium 10

Keyword Tracker

You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes, this is a tracker for your Amazon keywords. Basically introduce the keywords you want to track per ASIN and the tool will start monitoring the up's and down's on the rankings


Shows information on how a product in performing accross multiple Amazon markets. Works also for Walmart.

  • Store performance (Gross Revenue, Net profit, Orders, Margin, Refunds…)
  • Store performance trends
  • Sales trends (increasing and decreasing SKUs)
  • Product performance on an ASIN / SKU level
  • Inventory levels on SKU level
  • Refunds and their details
  • Breakdown of every fee and charge per order
  • Expenses tool: include monthly or one-time expenses so you can have a big picture of the Profit / Loss

Profits is available for USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, India and Turkey

Profit for Walmart US

Helium 10's financial analytics dashboard works for Walmart US as well, so you can connect your Walmart Seller Center and get your selling data into the tool

helium 10 profits

Inventory Management

This tool enables you to manage your Amazon inventory and your purchase orders easily from one space

You can customize the presets to tailor them to your particular case, adjusting every aspect of your logistics to avoid running out of stock or over-ordering it

Let the tool know about items like your reorder frequency or your preferred supplier shipment speed for the most accurate forecasting and restock recommendations

Insights dashboard

An all in one dashboard showing your most relevant info for the day, week, month or quarter and giving you insights and intel on what you can work on to improve your numbers.

helium 10 insights dashboard

Seller Assistant

Are you tired of going page to page asking your customers for reviews? Forget about it all with Helium10’s Seller Assistant Chrome extension

This is an extension you can easily install and access from your Amazon Seller Central Account at all times, making it extra easy to use

With this extension, you’ll be able to bulk invite your customers to review your products with just one click, saving a ton of time in the process of building your reputation

Not only that: you’ll be able to ask for single reviews for recent orders or for orders placed from 4 to 30 days back in the past

Sounds great, doesn’t it? Yet this is the best bit: it is 100% Amazon TOS compliant. Seller Assistant only uses Amazon templates to send review requests, so your business stays safe

Listing Analyzer

This tool that will let you know how your listings are doing to achieve maximum reach among your customers and maximum relevance among your competition

Helium10’s Listing Analyzer goes through all your listing items and scores them individually so that you are aware of which ones need improvement: copywriting, title, description, media attributes, reviews, and keywords’ relevance and organic reach within Amazon

It also gives you a total listing quality score

Listing Builder

Using your selected keywords from your keywords lists, you can create listings from scratch or update your old listings and sync them with your Amazon Seller Central account from the app. Includes AI to auto write your listings texts.

helium 10 listing builder


Starting at 0$ (free plan) and then 37$ a month until 197$ and tailored pricing, Helium 10 is one of the cheapest all-in-one Amazon tools on the market

It's 4 plans include


Free plan

Starter plan - USD39/month

Platinum plan - USD99/month

Diamond plan - USD249/month

Elite plan - USD399/month

Black Box Amazon Product Research

20 uses

20 uses




Trendster Amazon Trends Finder

30 days

30 days




Xray Chrome Extension - Product Validator

50 launches





Xray for Walmart Chrome Extension - Product Validator

50 launches

50 launches




Cerebro Reverse Product Lookup

2 uses per day

2 uses per day




Cerebro for Walmart Reverse Product Lookup

2 uses per day

2 uses per day

2 uses per day



Magnet2 Keyword Research

2 uses per day

2 uses per day




Magnet2 for Walmart Keyword Research

2 uses per day

2 uses per day

2 uses per day



Misspellinator Misspellings Checker

20 uses

20 uses




Frankenstein Keyword Processor

30 days

30 days




Scribbles Listing Optimizer

30 days

30 days




Index Checker Keyword Index Checker

6 uses

6 uses

150 uses / mo

300 uses / mo

500 uses / mo

Listing Analyzer Amazon Listing Insights

2 uses / mo

2 uses / mo

25 uses / mo

50 uses / mo

125 uses / mo

Listing Builder Listing Optimizer

30 days, limited

30 days, limited




Alerts Hijacker & Product Monitoring

Up to 2 ASINs

Up to 2 ASINs

Up to 100 ASINs

Up to 300 ASINs

Up to 1,000 ASINs

Inventory Protector Coupon Abuse Prevention






Refund Genie Reimbursement Assistance






Follow-Up Email Automation Tool



2,000 emails / mo

10,000 emails / mo

50,000 emails / mo

Inventory Management Supply Chain Logistics

30 days

30 days

Up to 20 SKUs



Keyword Tracker Product Rank Tracking

Up to 20 keywords

Up to 20 keywords

Up to 2,500 keywords

Up to 5,000 keywords

Up to 5,000 keywords

Keyword Tracker for Walmart Product Rank Tracking




Up to 250 keywords

Up to 250 keywords

Market Tracker Competitor Intelligence

Up to 1 Market (Limited)

Up to 1 Market (Limited)

Up to 3 Markets

Up to 5 Markets

Up to 15 Markets

Profits Financial Analytics Dashboard

30 days





Profits for Walmart Financial Analytics Dashboard

30 days

90 days

90 days



Adtomic Amazon Advertising Platform




USD20k/mo ad spend included

USD40k/mo ad spend included

Landing Page Builder, Portals




Up to 6 portals

Up to 9 portals

QR Codes, Portals

1 code / 100 scans per month

1 code / 100 scans per month

10 codes / 10,000 scans per month

40 codes / 100,000 scans per month

50 codes / 100,000 scans per month

Product Inserts, Portals






Multi-user login Create Limited Access Users




Up to 3 users

Up to 5 users

Connected Accounts Seller Central Account Connections

Up to 2 Tokens Walmart + Amazon

Up to 2 Tokens Walmart + Amazon

Up to 2 Tokens Walmart + Amazon

Up to 4 Tokens Walmart + Amazon

Up to 4 Tokens Walmart + Amazon

Monthly Expert Training Learn from Top Industry Experts






In-Person Workshops High-Level Knowledge Networking






Private Facebook Group Membership-Exclusive Access






Freedom Ticket Amazon Sellers Training






Helium 10 discounts

Regular promos

Find more Helium 10 discounts and how to apply them here



Use coupon AMZTOOLS20 to get a 20% OFF 6 MONTHS ($120 VALUE)

Valid for Platinum and Diamond plans.

More Less

Never expires

Get it!

10% off lifetime


Use coupon AMZTOOLS10 to get a lifetime 10% discount.

Valid for A La Carte, Platinum, Diamond and Elite plans.

More Less

Never expires

Get it!

People also ask

What is Helium 10?

An all in one Amazon toolbox. 30 tools specially focused on keyword research, product research and competition tracking

What is helium 10 Cerebro?

Cerebro is Helium 10's Reverse ASIN tool Cerebro will give you data on search volume, number of competitors and competing products, information about the keywords using on PPC campaigns and their Cerebro IQ Score

What is Cerebro's IQ Score?

A metric which shows potential key product opportunities where there is low competition coupled with high search volume

What is Cerebro's CPR Score?

CPR means Cerebro Product Rank. The CPR Daily Total Giveaways is a metric that will help you determine how much free daily products you will have to give away in order to rank on Top 1

How much does helium 10 cost?

Platinum plan starts at $97/month, Diamond Plan at $197/month and Elite Plan at $397/month. A La Carte Plan let's you choose which tools you want to use, starting at $17/month

Where is Helium 10 based?

They're located in 500 Technology Drive, Suite 450, Irvine, California (United States of America)

Which one is better: Helium 10 or Junglescout?

Helium 10 is cheaper and has more tools ( 30), plus it's adding new tools every 3 or 6 months
Junglescout is adding more features to try to outrank Helium 10, but they're still far

For a full comparison on this tools, visit the post: Helium 10 vs Jungle Scout: which one is better?

👉 Visit Helium 10

Helium 10 review

This is the most powerful all in one software I've tested so far, and it's been for ages. Including +20 tools you can use on a daily basis, Helium 10 is, by far, the most complete all in one software for Amazon Sellers looking to start their business, improve their current numbers or scale their account and go full international on Amazon.

Helium 10 includes everything you need from product and keyword research to product launch (review request, QR codes for seller feedback, Adtomic to create ad campaigns…), a bunch of tools for listing creation and optimization, a complete profit analyzer, an insights dashboard, Walmart selling tools… and they keep on adding and adding new services such as financial services or the FBA reimbursement service.

It also has some unique tools such as Cerebro (the best reverse ASIN tool), the index checker to check if your keywords are indexed or the ability to create product researches from the Amazon Brand Analytics data or even look for bundle opportunities analyzing frequently bought together products.

For less thann $100 a month you can get your hands on +20 tools and one of the best Chrome Extensions on the market to super charge your Amazon business, plus get great training videos and an amazing learning hub + 2 courses (starter and advanced).

I would really appreciate if a repricer was on their roadmap, because that would mean that you don't need anymore tools on your computer 🙂 Oh, and the Vendor edition as well. I'm sure they will add it in the future.

Our score

  • Pricing
  • Learning curve
  • Number of features
  • User Friendly
Comments Rating 0 (0 reviews)

Alternatives to Helium 10

Here you can find the top Helium 10s alternatives

About the author

Avatar of Jordi Ordonez and Laia Ordonez
Jordi Ordonez
Amazon and ecommerce Consultant at JordiobDotCom | Website

I work as an independent eCommerce and Amazon consultant.

Estrella Damm, Intersport, Bella Aurora, Lladró, Textura Interiors, Nice Things Palomas, Castañer, Due-Home and many other clients.

Lecturer & Teacher
I teach and have been a speaker at: Meet Magento, Prestashop, Prestashop Day, SEMRush, Cambra de Comerç Barcelona, ​​ClinicSEO, Ecommbeers, Ecommbrunch, Ecommercetour.com, Ecommfest, EOI, ESIC-ICEMD, Foxize, Generalitat de Catalunya, Inesdi, Quondos and The Valley. In addition, I have done in-company trainings for brands such as Orange and Adidas.

I collaborate writing articles for Helium 10 blog, Shopify, SEMRush, La Vanguardia, eCommerce-news.es, Marketing4ecommerce...

Helium 10, Jungle Scout, Avask, Helium 10 Seller Solutions Hub Partner, SaaS4Marketing, H10-wp.com and FBASuite.com

LinkedIn, Twitter, Wikipedia, Youtube, Quora, ISNI 0000000513224289, About Jordi Ordonez

laia ordonez
Laia Ordonez
Partner, Content and Marketing Manager at JORDIOBDOTCOM, S.L.

Partner, Content and Marketing Manager at Jordiobdotcom SL with a background on Executive and Multimedia Production. I've written as a guest author on Shopify, Oleoshop and Semrush

Disclaimer: This is a promoted post by the advertiser / we are affiliated with the software

13 User comments & reviews

  1. Brian 21 September, 2018
    • Sourav 21 March, 2019
  2. Joel Pérez 11 July, 2019
  3. Esteve Castells 11 July, 2019
  4. Manel G 11 July, 2019
  5. Fran Murillo 11 July, 2019
  6. Victor Perez 11 July, 2019
  7. Ken Masters 11 July, 2019
  8. Yvon Elysee 16 July, 2019
    • Avatar of Jordi Ordonez Jordi Ordonez 16 July, 2019
  9. IGnatius 26 January, 2022
  10. Kenneth 26 January, 2022
  11. Mary Balotelli 10 January, 2023

Leave a Reply

User Review
  • Pricing
  • Learning curve
  • Number of features
  • User Friendly

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